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Welcome to the Graduate Writers' Studio consultation scheduler!

If this is your first visit, register for an account by clicking the link to the left. You must use your Lehigh email address. If this is a return visit, log in to get started. 


  • Graduate consultations can be scheduled for 30 minutes up to 1.5 hours, depending on your needs.
  • Each writer is limited to 1 consultation per day.
  • Each writer is limited to 2 consultations per week.


  • To promote a sustained writing practice, engage in regularly occurring consultations with your graduate writing consultant. Talk with your consultant about how to do this. 
  • To get the most out of a consultation, be specific and honest with your consultant about your writing needs. 
  • To foster your growth as a writer, we encourage what Judith Powers calls the "trialogue" approach, i.e., open communication between and among the writer, the consultant, and the writer's advisor.